Deadline for Issue 1 submissions is March 20, 2025. No entry fees required!
Submit all poetry, prose, and art through this Submission Form.
Artists and writers of all ages are welcome to submit their work. Only submissions received by the deadline will be considered for each issue. Deadline for Issue 1 submissions is March 20, 2025.
If you cannot access the submission form, please email your submission to us at eternajournal@gmail.com. In the email title, please format the header as: “Submission-[Piece Title]-[Your Name]” and attach your submission(s) following the submission guidelines below.
You will be notified via email if your work had been accepted/rejected in under two weeks. If we don’t get back to you after three weeks, feel free to ask us about the status of your submission at eternajournal@gmail.com.
The theme for Issue 1 is “Daybreak”, but submissions are NOT required to align with the theme.
We welcome international submissions, and we are open to submissions in languages other than English, but they should be accompanied by an English translation in the same file(s).
POETRY: No length limits! Single-spaced in a Word document, Google Doc, or PDF format. Each person may submit 1 to 5 poems per issue.
PROSE: Times New Romans, 12pt, double-spaced in a Word document, Google Doc, or PDF format. Each person may submit 1 to 5 prose pieces per issue with a total word count of less than 3,000 words
VISUAL ART: Submit a high-quality image in .png, .jpeg, or .pdf. Each person may submit up to 3 artworks per issue. Artwork includes digital/media art, photography, drawing, painting, collage, 3D art, etc.
If your piece has not been previously published elsewhere, Eterna Journal will hold First Serial Rights upon publication. All rights will be reverted to the creator once the work is published, although we kindly ask Eterna Journal be acknowledged as the first publisher of your work.
We welcome simultaneous submissions. If your work has been previously published or recognized by other programs, please confirm that they do not hold exclusive rights to your work.
Your submissions must be original—no plagiarism or AI generated work.
Submissions containing hateful or discriminatory language will not be considered for publication.